Livingstone Players are back and are proud to present their 2024 pantomime – Sleeping Beauty! This year, we will be performing from 3rd-7th December so come along and enjoy an evening filled with laughs, songs and edge of the seat drama! Fun for all the family and another fabulous night of entertainment raising funds for charity. We have frozen ticket prices, which start from only £8* for adults and £6* for children.
Due to demand, we are increasing the number of shows to an unprecedented SIX PERFORMANCES! For the first time in our history, this will include a Saturday Matinee on 7th December at 1.30pm.
In response to feedback, our evening performances from 3rd-7th December will commence at 7.00pm instead of the traditional 7.30pm.
Tickets are available to purchase online. Of course, you can still purchase tickets from cast members but make sure you’re quick as tickets are sure to sell out fast! You can purchase your tickets via the online ticket shop below now!
Livingstone Players are in a fortunate position to be able to operate out of our own venue. Stevenston Parish Church Hall can currently accommodate a capacity of 181 seats which can be adapted for production requirements, disabled patrons or those with additional needs. The hall also has male, female and accessible toilets along with baby changing facilities. A layout of the hall and seating plan can be found below.